Pete Doctor’s film “Inside Out” depicts a crucial relationship between Joy (the emotion) and Sadness (the emotion). Their relationship was extremely negative at the beginning of the movie because Joy kept preventing Sadness touching Riley’s stored memories. This made Sadness feel ineffective to other emotions. But, three moments in the film showed a positive shift towards their relationship and helped me to understand Sadness, the emotion. Unwrapped details of Bing Bong, Joy and Riley’s final moments will be revealed. These scenes were chosen because they form the foundation of Joy’s relationship with Sadness. These scenes were chosen because Joy stopped trusting Sadness with stored memories and the control, and Joy realized that Sadness could help people. These two moments opened Joy’s eyes and helped her to understand why Sadness is so important in Riley’s life. These scenes and moments are a testament to how Joy’s relationship with Sadness improves over time. The three most memorable scenes in the movie are those where Joy discovers more about Sadness and her purpose.

Joy is taught something about Sadness during this particular scene. This helps them to bond. Bing Bong upset over the fact that Riley’s rocket which he was going to send to the moon was destroyed. Joy attempts humor and jokes to make Bing Bong feel better. Joy then suggests to Bing Bong that Joy point to the train station and they all travel there. Wouldn’t that be a lot of fun? Joy never expresses sympathy for Bing Bong. Sadness however sits next and tells Bing Bong that they took his rocket. He loved it. It’s gone. forever” Joy replies to Sadness that Bing Bong isn’t to be made worse. Bing Bong tells Riley about the adventure, and Sadness comforts Bing Bong. After a while, he begins crying on Sadness’ shoulder, and starts feeling better. Bing Bong then takes Joy and Sadness to their train station. Next, Joy sees Sadness and Joy walking together. Joy then asks Sadness a question and Sadness responds by saying that he wasn’t as bad or ineffective as Joy believed. The movie’s pivotal scene is the second. Joy is left in Riley’s memory dump with no memories and loses hope of escape. Joy risks her chances of getting back to HQ. Joy finds a forgotten memory in Riley’s memories. Joy takes it with her and recollects the event. Joy moves the camera closer to the tainted image. This shows that while the memory appears sad at first, it soon becomes happy as Joy speeds up the scene. Joy discovers that Sadness exists not to cause Riley to be upset, but only to alert her to something that is troubling. This scene is crucial because Joy finally realizes what Sadness really wants and then decides to let Sadness take control of Riley. The last scene is the one where Riley attempts to leave San Francisco on her own. Joy and sadness were riding on the bus while Riley is still inside the HQ. Joy entered the emotions Anger Disgust Fear and Fear and learned that Riley was attempting to leave San Francisco in a bus. Riley grabs Sadness’ arm and pulls her towards the controls. The other emotions behind Joy shout “Sadness!” Joy then says that Sadness can’t, but Joy replies that Sadness can. Riley needs you”.

The control is now held by Sadness. She stops Riley from pushing away her emotions. Riley cannot run away because Riley was not able to do so after the idea was placed in Riley’s brain. Joy then gives Sadness core memories. It shows Joy’s yellow happy memories becoming Sadness. Joy tried to keep this from happening all the way through the film. Joy is brought to the control by Sadness, and as they touch each other they create a new core memories that is both sad and happy. Joy’s dialogue and Anger Disgust Fear’s reaction to it show how Joy and Sadness are able to communicate clearly. These last moments are what demonstrate how Joy and Sadness have improved their relationship throughout the film.

All of these scenes reveal that Joy’s relationship with Sadness has improved significantly compared to the beginning, where Joy treated Sadness badly. The film’s final section shows Joy having so much faith and trust in Sadness that Joy gave Riley her core memories. Sadness then managed to control Riley and stop Riley from running off to San Francisco. Understanding the emotion of sadness was made easier by the relationship between Joy and Sadness. Sadness is a major part of our lives, even though it seems like it. But, it’s not there to make us feel sad, it’s there to help us recognize that something is not right. It’s there to help people appreciate happiness.


  • arthurmacdonald

    Arthur Macdonald is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been a teaching assistant for 10 years, and has taught middle and high school students in the Atlanta area for the past 5 years.