David is one of the most famous sculptures. This marble statue stands 14 feet high and was created between 1501-1504. David is an angry and strong symbol. The statue’s political meaning was to represent the Medici ruling family. Michelangelo chose David as an example of “heroic strength” to show how “spiritual force can be stronger than arms”.

Michelangelo wanted David to be a symbol for the republic, and a warning of Florence’s upcoming brave and just government. The first large statue of a naked woman to be displayed in public since Antiquity. Michelangelo based his David on the disegno discipline. According to this artistic discipline, sculpture mimics the divine creation. Michelangelo based his work on the idea that David’s image was already embedded in the block that he worked on, similar to the belief that the soul can be found within a physical body.

The beauty of disciplined design. David was already inside the marble block Michelangelo used. Michelangelo needed only to locate David. The poem is beautiful and evocative. Michelangelo was a student of anatomy from an early age. Michelangelo studied anatomy early in his life. David’s intricate muscles and appearance were a result of this. I admire his dedication. For me, it is amazing to see someone studying cadavers and perfecting their craft. David’s body may not be anatomically perfect, but the upper half is much larger than his lower. It was believed that David was meant to sit on a high pedestal inside a church. If you look up, then the body appears perfectly proportionate.

David is another good example of classic humanism. Classical Humanism is founded on Greco-Roman principles and ideas, which include a fascination with the body. David has a great physique, a trait that was highly prized in the Greek-Roman eras. The artist has him in a slight counterposto pose, which illustrates how the body’s natural balance is achieved by bending the hips one way and the legs the other. Our culture values a well-defined muscular form.

For myself, I am always striving to become physically stronger and more muscular. David, although a male fashion model, makes for a beautiful physical role-model. He has a tense expression, like a Goliath before the fight. The nobleness of a person who is determined to fight for their beliefs and values is stunning. Michelangelo isn’t depicting David as he conquers his enemy like Donatello. David is instead portrayed as a strong and athletic man.

David is seen with his stone and sling in his hand. Michelangelo’s David is the classic image of a young man capable of intellectual and physical feats. Michelangelo’s David presents a single man as intelligent and powerful. The statue even implies that the man might be a demigod. David, the statue, is a symbol of power and manliness. Kind David was, however, circumcised. Michelangelo may have named David David in honor of a specific model. Michelangelo was perhaps simply emulating Greeks who, in that period, believed circumcised men’s penis were mutilated. Michelangelo believed in his beliefs regardless of what others thought. It is admirable to stay true to yourself.

David has a lot of facets. David’s emotional impact on those in Florence in 1504 is still felt today. Michelangelo was guided by a sense of anatomy. His work had a spiritual element to it.


  • arthurmacdonald

    Arthur Macdonald is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been a teaching assistant for 10 years, and has taught middle and high school students in the Atlanta area for the past 5 years.