Rock n’ Roll was first a type of blues that was played in churches during colonial times. It was mostly a black song back then, but today it is a popular music for everyone. In the 1950s rock music was marketed to blacks.

It was the poorer, lower-class whites who heard the music. The leaders of the counterculture are numerous, but a select few stand out. Linkin park is one of the leaders, as they mainly talk about suicide. Aerosmith promotes sex. The simple goals of these artists were to have fun, use drugs, and have sexual relations. Rock was able to break some cultures, but they were all good. Elvis Presley, one of the earliest artists to combine rock, folk, pop, and electrick, was a pioneer. Elvis Presley combined music genres, so people could listen to any music. Racial barriers were also removed. Rock did however have some heavy norms that were not normal. Rock promoted things for which people would have been hung in the 1500s. Some people are offended by the sex and drug content of rock’s slogan, and try to stop it. Rock also increased hippies. Hippies would use rock at rallies and movements, such as those for the Vietnam war. The youth population would be greatly affected by rock festivals such as woodstock. It led to a dramatic increase in the use of LSD and marijuana. Rock is a religion that promotes sex between everyone. This belief has caused religious groups to panic and try to stop their children from listening to music.


  • arthurmacdonald

    Arthur Macdonald is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been a teaching assistant for 10 years, and has taught middle and high school students in the Atlanta area for the past 5 years.